Snap & Chat : Winter Walk
Photo Walk over Kinver Edge
Sunday 23rd of January saw us donning thick coats and walking boots to head up onto Kinver Edge for our first Snap & Chat of the year. Though dubbed ‘Winter Walk’, the weather was kind, if not a little dull, but certainly atmospheric.
As we ascended the sandstone slopes, it’s hard not to see why this area is still so closely associated with JRR Tolkein. The slate sky, twisted trees and snaking desire lines that surrounded the Kinver Hillfort set the scene for some truly atmospheric photographs.
Despite being the frame for our visit, the walk and fresh air was also intended as a tonic for mental health, which has been at the forefront of many of our thoughts for some time heightened during lockdown. Poor light, lack of socialisation and even human contact in general has left us feeling low and outside as a community, and the Snap & Chat Photo Walks were developed as a way of connecting like-minded people through a passion while taking in fresh air and exercise.
I am incredibly grateful to everyone that came along for the first Snap & Chat and I for one had a great time meeting everyone. It’s been very exciting to see some of the pictures going up on the Facebook page. So far the show has been stolen by a pomeranian in a pink coat who made the perfect photobomb at the Toposcope while we were doing a group photo. Next time we will be making accommodations for dogs to join us.
The Winter Walk has been a successful beta test, and we’re looking forward to announcing the date for the next walk, The Spring Stroll. Details will be announced soon. If you joined us on Sunday don’t forget to join the Facebook group and post your pictures in there. We’d love to see them and if you didn’t come along, why not give the Facebook page a like to be notified when the next walk details are announced.