Newborn Photo Shoot

3 Months Photo Shoot

6 Months Photo Shoot

12 Months Photo Shoot

A few years back we photographed the bundle of energy that is Isaac. This was from a Pregnancy Photo Shoot to Newborn Photo Shoot right through our First Steps Package to give a full range of photographs showing his first year in photographs for his parents to treasure.
It’s always amazing to see how quickly little ones go from being these beautiful bundles of joy into crawling machines that shoot past you before the camera’s had time to focus. I was happy to receive an email from Sarah & John to say they had had a second baby, James and wanted to do the Newborn & First Steps Package again.
I was more than happy to accommodate and this began back in January 2017, with follow up shoots at 3 Months, 6 Months and then finally at 12 Months in January 2018. Here’s a small set of photographs from each photo shoot and you can see just how much James has changed over the 12 months.