Week 15, this week featuring a milestone photograph in the form of Photograph 100!
You can follow my 365 Project progress with the weekly posts on here or daily posts over at the 365 Project website.
Here’s Week 15 of 52, to see previous weeks please click here
99/365 – ‘Worker’
Looking around for inspiration in the garden I saw this little ant, hard at work collecting for the colony.
100/365 – ‘Centenary’
100 days in and still going strong! £1 or 100 pence seemed an appropriate photograph to commemorate the day.
101/365 – ‘Entwine’
Lately i’ve been wrestling with an overgrown succulent plant in the garden that has sharp leaves protruding from it, slowly chipping away at it to remove it (4 hours of hacking later and i’m getting close to being able to uproot it).
102/365 – ‘Farmhouse’
103/365 – ‘By Any Other Name’
104/365 – ‘Backlit Beauty’
105/365 – ‘Bells’
The bluebells are out and since we seem to have them for such a short time I thought it was a good opportunity to take a picture an immortalise them in a photograph.