Happy New Year!
For 2016 i’ve decided to embark upon a personal project in the form of the ‘365 Project’ which involves taking a photograph every day for a year, you can follow my progress with the weekly posts on here or daily posts over at my Facebook Page and the 365 Project website. While this may seem like a simple task, it’s actually been tough to begin with as deciding what my subject is each day has been difficult at times and even more challenging to narrow down the photographs i’ve taken of the subject to just one single image to stamp as that days photograph.
Before I show you my first weeks photographs i’d like to encourage any amateur and professional photographers out there to think about doing something similar as I believe it will make you a better photographer even if it’s purely through actually using your camera every day and making you think about taking a picture.

1/365 – ‘New’
To begin the year it seemed fitting to have an image to represent a new year and so this simple camera phone image was created from a clothes label.

2/365 – ‘Brush’
During our time off from work my wife and I decided to freshen up the kitchen with a new coat of paint and so I wanted to make this a part of the days photograph. Therefore I got my 60mm macro lens and took this photograph of my paint brush with a very shallow depth of field to give it a slightly abstract feel, with the bristles almost resembling scratches or grain in a plank of wood.

3/365 – ‘Light Trails’
Light is fascinating to me and the way the camera records the light it sees enables us to create long exposure images and manipulate the light in the image. This is usually done with either a sparkler around bonfire night or a small torch to allow you to ‘write’ in the light while the image is being taken. However if you are shooting alone and don’t have a tripod to hand you can instead use a fixed light source and instead move the camera to get a similar (but less predictable light pattern) effect. This photograph was created in my kitchen by sitting underneath the 3 ceiling lights and moving the camera during the exposure.

4/365 – ‘Fern’
A little lazier with todays photograph but this, like ‘Brush’ marks another milestone for the day as the wallpaper went up in the kitchen and so it felt apt to make it the days photograph.

5/365 – ‘Box of Delights’
Day five and a slightly quieter day in the house which gave me a little more time to play with my macro lens, this time the subject being my wife’s box of biscuits she received for Christmas that had a beautiful gold pattern on it which to me resemble fingerprints or small, precise brush marks.

6/365 – ‘A New Hope’
A visit to the cinema today to see the new Star Wars movie called for appropriate footwear in the form of my Star Wars Vans (yes i’m nearly 30 but you’re never too old for Star Wars!). The texture of the shoe, for me, made an otherwise obvious movie reference a little more unusual.

7/365 – ‘Krista’
A simple setup for a photograph to capture my beautiful wife in our kitchen, a flash was fired to camera left to bounce and add a bit of directional light to the image. This was my submission to the weekly challenge which was themed ‘Portrait’ over at 365 Project website.
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