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I’ve known Sharon & Geoff since my job as a barman back in 2004 and so when they asked me to capture their wedding day I was thrilled.

On one of the hottest days of the year, while the guests melted and fanned themselves with the Order of Service, a nervous Sharon stood outside St Peters Church, Kinver.

Sharon & Geoff both have ties to the police force, which is why the boys in blue arrived just before she was about to walk into the church. This was evidently a great surprise for Sharon as she gasped and smiled in shock.

Sharon’s brother gave her away and as we captured the beautiful ceremony it came to the time to exchange the rings. This was another little surprise for Sharon as, unbeknown to her, Geoff had arranged for his grandson to carry the rings. A great photo opportunity and a wonderful little thought.

Upon leaving the church we captured some fun confetti shots as well as the reportage meet-&-greet shots before bidding Sharon & Geoff farewell to their reception at Bacci restaurant.

Thank you for making us a part of your special day and good luck in your new lives together!